Monday, November 01, 2004


First Post

Truth and probability are of no importance in propaganda. What counts is loudness, volume and frequency of repetition. Lies about gun control, smoking, seat belts, low fat diets, herbal medicine etc. are all good examples of propaganda working.

My hope is that this blog can be a source of truth and facts to help combat the propaganda ladled out by the government and the major media. I want to give you information that is scientifically correct rather than politically correct. Should you believe us or should you believe the government and the major media? If you have asked that question, then you are still able to free yourself from the media induced brainwashing you have been subjected to.

Simply realizing that there "might" be another side to an issue is the first step to becoming informed rather than just brainwashed. Think about issues that are important to you. Think about the facts you know on these issues and about what you are being told by the media on these issues. Mainly just THINK!

Many people realize that the government and the media are pushing propaganda and downright lies about gun control. They have looked at the facts and seen that, contrary to the lies they keep hearing, crime is lower where there is LESS gun control and higher where there is MORE gun control. Many of these same people, however, simply believe the lies about second hand smoke causing diseases.

Many people have checked the facts and realize that no scientifically correct study has ever shown any relationship between second hand smoke and any disease, yet they believe the lies about gun control. Many of them also believe the lies about the wonders of the low cholesterol diet.

Many people have done some research and found that the cholesterol from one boiled egg is the most your body can absorb from your stomach in a days time. They know that nearly all blood cholesterol is manufactured in your body from starches and sugars, not absorbed from high cholesterol foods you eat. They know that most of the dietary "information" they get from the government and major media is simply more lies. Many of these people, however, believe the lies from the gun control and the anti-smoking nuts.

Many people have looked at the subject of seat belts. They have found that seat belt laws cause more deaths and injuries, not fewer. They know that in about 30% of wrecks, seat belts will kill you or increase your injuries, in about 20% of wrecks, seat belts make no difference whatsoever, and in about 50% of wrecks seat belts can save you or decrease your injuries. This makes it a 50-50 proposition and should be a personal choice, not a fee grabbing opportunity. Many of these same people, however believe the government lies about gun control, smoking, and diets.

I know this has run on for a while, but these are just four issues that have a common theme. All are being lied about by the government and the major media. Does this make you wonder how many more issues are being lied about? It should. Even the least inquisitive of us have found some subject where they know they are being lied to. It is time to realize that if the government and major media will lie about one subject, they are likely to lie about any subject.

We have found that if the government line is in favor of one side of an issue, it is quite likely that the other side has merit. If the government and major media agree on one side of an issue and act as if it would be foolish to even "think" about the other side, then the other side definitely has merit. Any issue pushed by the government and major media needs to be carefully checked out. In most cases, you will discover you have been told lie after lie.

What can you do about it? You can search out the truth and publish it on this site for starters. You can read this site to find the truth about issues you don't have time to research. You can throw facts at your congress critters and those who want to be your congress critters and let them know you are tired of being fed bull crap by your employees in Washington and in your city, county, and state government. They are YOUR employees, do your duty and supervise them! If they refuse to acknowledge the truth and pass laws based on truth rather than propaganda, fire them and hire some who will do their job correctly!

I am a smoker and I am really disturbed by the latest trends in anti-smoking propaganda. In particular that shockvertising campaign
that is featuring sick graphic "health" warnings on cigarettes packets. I find them not only subhuman and immoral, but also health damaging!

Please check it out on YouTube here:
Yes anti smoking campaign very annoying but a don't give a damn care about that. i broke every smoking bans on my country i smoke Kretek every time i want and any where i want to. Djarum Black my favorite
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